

8th Water history conference. IWHA conference (25-29/06/2013, Montpellier)

8th Water history conference. IWHA conference

The 8th Water History Conference of the International Water History Association in Montpellier, France, will be a unique opportunity to exchange and develop new insights on the history of our most precious resource. The conference is organized with the Council of Herault, the administration of archives in Pierresvives and the Institute of Research for the Development (IRD).

Many themes will be discussed in water history and among them :

- Archival sources – as the conference will be hosted in the new archival building Pierresvives in Montpellier

- Irrigation – as Montpellier is surrounded by irrigated fields and is famous for its irrigation experience

- Cooperation – as 2013 is the United Nations International Year of Water Cooperation

Page créée le jeudi 2 mai 2013, par Dominique Taurisson-Mouret.

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