
Hégémone : Actualité de la recherche sur les Impacts socio-environnementaux des ordres coloniaux

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Thierry Anjubault, « Histoires coloni@les »

La huitième version (juillet 2019), mise à jour, du travail de recension de Thierry Anjubault, Histoires coloni@les, concernant l’histoire coloniale, impériale et ultramarine, est disponible sur le site de la Société française d’Histoire des Outre-Mers (Sfhom) « Ce document de 1361 pages a d’abord été (...) suite

Lauren Beck, dir., Firsting in the Early-Modern Atlantic World, Routledge, 2019 (Routledge Research in Early Modern History)

Présentation éditeur : « For centuries, historians have narrated the arrival of Europeans using terminology (discovery, invasion, conquest, and colonization) that emphasizes their agency and disempowers that of Native Americans. This book explores firsting, a discourse that privileges European (...) suite

Jonathan A. C. Brown, Slavery and Islam, Oneworld Publications, 2019

Présentation éditeur : « What happens when authorities you venerate condone something you know is wrong ? Every major religion and philosophy once condoned or approved of slavery, but in modern times nothing is seen as more evil. Americans confront this crisis of authority when they erect statues (...) suite

James R. Fichter, dir., British and French Colonialism in Africa, Asia and the Middle East Connected Empires across the Eighteenth to the Twentieth Centuries, Palgrave Macmillan, 2019 (Cambridge Imperial and Post-Colonial Studies Series)

Présentation éditeur : « This book examines the connections between the British Empire and French colonialism in war, peace and the various stages of competitive cooperation between, in which the two empires were often frères ennemis. It argues that in crucial ways the British and French colonial (...) suite

Arthur Asseraf, Electric News in Colonial Algeria, Oxford University Press, 2019

Présentation éditeur : « How do the things which connect us also serve to divide us ? Electric News in Colonial Algeria traces how news circulated in a particularly divided society : Algeria under French rule in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. It tells a different history of (...) suite

Dónal Hassett, Mobilizing Memory. The Great War and the Language of Politics in Colonial Algeria, 1918-1939, Oxford University Press, 2019

Présentation éditeur : « Over the course of the Great War, a quarter of million settlers and subjects from Algeria served in French forces. Thousands more crossed the Mediterranean to work in the war industries of metropolitan France. On the Algerian Home Front, men, women, and children of all (...) suite

Mohammed Bashir Salau, Plantation Slavery in the Sokoto Caliphate A Historical and Comparative Study, University of Rochester Press, Boydell & Brewer, 2019 (Rochester Studies in African History and the Diaspora)

Présentation éditeur : « A large-scale study of plantation slavery in West Africa with a focus on the nineteenth-century Sokoto caliphate, this book draws on diverse sources including oral testimony, Arabic material, and extant scholarly works about the caliphal state. Plantation Slavery in the (...) suite

7 articles sur 1450


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