

Appel à communication (<31/12/2015) pour un colloque international : « Cuba & Africa. Engagements, Circulations and Racial Representations »(University of Cape Town, Republic of South Africa, 23-24/05/2016)

- The Institute for Humanities in Africa (HUMA), University of Cape Town, Republic of South Africa

In September 2012, the fourth meeting of ‘African Solidarity with Cuba’ took place at the African Union, in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. For two days, representatives of 27 African countries engaged in discussions with a Cuban delegation to cries of ‘Viva Fidel !’ and ‘Cuba estamos contigo !’ Delegates discussed shared struggles, the sanctions against Cuba, the fate of the ‘Cuban Five’ held in the United States and the joint development of Cuba and African countries. What did this show of solidarity reflect ? Was it Cuban internationalism with a taste of anachronism ? Pan-Africanism nourished in the matrix of Marxism ? Developmentalism supported by policies of collaboration ? Renewed South-South solidarity ? (Adams 1981, Adi 2014, Falk 1987, Gleijeses 1996). To address these questions, we have to go back over the histories, representations and practices that accompanied, transformed or influenced the relations between Cuba and Africa. The objective of this first meeting is to measure the scale of the many-sided engagements between Cuba and many African countries.

Appel en français
Appel en anglais

Calendar :

- Panels and papers proposals can be sent until December 31, 2015 to this address : giulia.bonacci chez
- Proposals have to include a short bio-bibliography of the author or of each panel member, the institutional affiliation, detailed contact, a 300 words summary in one or ideally all working languages of the conference (French, English, Spanish).
- The Scientific Committee will evaluate the proposals and will inform authors of acceptance by January 31, 2016.
- Articles should be sent for April 1, 2016

Scientific Committee :

Kali Argyriadis (URMIS, IRD) ; Belete Bezuneh Yehun (Addis Ababa University) ; Giulia Bonacci (URMIS, IRD) ; Adrien Delmas (IFAS) ; Piero Gleijeses (John Hopkins University) ; Shamil Jeppie (HUMA, University of Cape Town) ; Antonio Tomás (Stellenbosh University) ; Pablo Rodriguez Ruiz (Istituto Cubano de Antropologia)

Organisers :

- URMIS (Unité de recherche Migrations et Société, UMR205)
- IFAS Institut français d’Afrique du Sud (UMIFRE 25, USR 3336)

Page créée le vendredi 20 novembre 2015, par Dominique Taurisson-Mouret.

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