

« Insularities and enclaves in colonial and post-colonial circumstances / Crossings, conflicts and identitarian constructions (15th - 21st centuries) »

Organised by The Centre for History of the University of Lisbon, the Centre for African Studies of the University of Porto, the Centre for International Studies (ISCTE-IUL) and the Contemporary History Institute of the New University of Lisbon.

Contact  : Augusto Nascimento (ciiescp2018 [at] gmail [dot] com)

Historically, archipelagos were considered as rehearsal spaces for new social constructions. Since colonization and, afterwards, colonialism and imperialism, many of them evolved in association with the strengthening of international networks, while others did not escape isolation and forced unequal integration in different spaces. On the other hand, enclaves were the outcome of historical circumstances, often externally decided, which prompted some degree of insularity regarding the immediate geographical surroundings. When those territories did not become independent, there were demands for autonomy or, at least, some underlying emancipatory and anti-colonialist feelings. Even when these feelings did not mobilize relevant segments of the population, they disclose the alterity – above all cultural – in regard to sovereignty.

These spaces form locus of porosities, changes, identitarian decantations and, simultaneously, of definition of political projects which, ironically, often are externally imposed. Actually, the definitions of insularities and enclaves rely on the actions which constitute them internally and, not least, externally. In some cases, such territories remain as sources of fighting and ordeals, many times unwanted by the population, which are, however, unable to break with the externally imposed subalternity or dependency. At time, the population also establishes internal frontiers in detriment of political, economic, social and cultural homogeneity.

In this International Congress we welcome analysis and narratives – inspired by different disciplinary approaches, having theoretical and/or empirical basis of historical experiences in islands and enclaves, which prompted processes of identification and ethical and political issues, including the ones inherent to the formation of national states.

Submission Guidelines
- Proposals should be sent by September 1, 2018.
- The communications can be presented in Portuguese, English, Spanish and French.

Scientific Committee
- Ana Lúcia Sá, Centro Estudos Internacionais - Instituto Universitário de Lisboa (CEI-ISCTE-IUL)
- António Correia e Silva, Universidade de Cabo Verde (UNICV)
- Arlindo Caldeira, Centro de Humanidades da Universidade Nova de Lisboa (CHAM - UNL) e Universidade Autónoma (UA)
- Augusto Nascimento, Centro de História da Universidade de Lisboa (CH-UL)
- Aurora Almada, Instituto de História Contemporânea - Universidade Nova de Lisboa (IHC-UNL)
- Benita Sampedro Vizcaya, Hofstra Universit​ (HU)
- Carlos Almeida, Centro de História da Universidade de Lisboa (CH-UL)
- Edalina Sanches, Instituto de Ciências Sociais (ICS) e Instituto Português de Relações Internacionais da Universidade Nova de Lisboa (IPRI-UNL)
- Eugénia Rodrigues, Centro de História da Universidade de Lisboa (CH-UL)
- Gerhard Seibert, Universidade de Integração Internacional da Lusofonia Afro-brasileira (UNILAB)
- Gérman Santana Pérez, Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (ULP)
- José Horta, Centro de História da Universidade de Lisboa (CH-UL)
- Juan Manuel Santana Pérez, Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (ULP)
- Yolanda Aixelà Cabré, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC)

Page créée le vendredi 27 avril 2018, par Dominique Taurisson-Mouret.

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