

Vient de paraître : Ulbe Bosma et Anthony Webster (Ed.), Commodities, Ports and Asian Maritime Trade Since 1750, Palgrave Macmillan, 2015

-  History Collection : Cambridge Imperial and Post-Colonial Studies Series

Présentation éditeur :

« Commodities, Ports and Asian Maritime Trade Since 1750 explores how British, European and Asian commercial networks interacted in the period from 1750 to today. Its central theme is the way in which these processes affectively created an ’Asian Commercial World’ based on trading and financial linkages across the region, and movements of commodities. It also looks at the way in which merchants from different ethnic and linguistic backgrounds negotiated barriers of language and business culture to establish effective working relations and to create a unique and dynamic regional environment, which laid the foundations for the ’Asian economic miracle’ of the latter twentieth century. »

- Ulbe Bosma is Senior Researcher at the International Institute of Social History, the Netherlands, and Professor of International Comparative Social History at VU University, the Netherlands. His main fields of interest are the histories of labour and commodity production and international labour migration. His most recent monograph is The Sugar Plantation in India and Indonesia : Industrial Production, 1770-2010 (2013).

- Anthony Webster is Professor in History at Northumbria University, UK. His main fields of interest are British business history in Asia in the 19th century, and the history of the British and global co-operative movements. His most recent publications are The Twilight of the East India Company (2009) and Building Co-operation (2013) with John Wilson and Rachael Vorberg-Rugh.

Table des matières :

1. Commodities, ports and Asian maritime trade since 1750 : The foundations of the modern Asian ’economic miracle’ ? ; Ulbe Bosma and Anthony Webster
2. Asia in the growth of world trade : A reinterpretation of ’The Long Nineteenth Century’ ; Kaoru Sugihara
3. Outside engagements : Makassar’s mercantile networks and traders, eighteenth totwentieth centuries ; Heather Sutherland
4. The Port of Semarang circa 1775, an early modern regional emporium under colonial rule ; Gerrit Knaap
5. Bombay, and the port complex of Gujarat : Merchants and the political economy of Western India in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries ; Ghulam A. Nadri
6. Western merchants in East Asian treaty ports (c. 1850–1890) ; Ferry de Goey
7. Neglected orphans and absent parents : The European mercantile houses of mid-nineteenth century Java ; G. Roger Knight
8. Building intra-Asian and transcontinental mercantile networks in the age of the British East India Company : The rise and fall of the house of John Palmer ; Anthony Webster
9. The invisible circulation of capital among Hong Kong, Taishan and North America : An analysis of the remittance business of Ma Tsui Chiu, 1900s–1940s ; Pui-Tak Lee
10. British overseas banks and Southeast Asia’s regional economy in the late nineteenth century ; Tomotaka Kawamura
11. Transcending the Empire. Western merchant houses and local capital in the Indian cotton trade (1850s-1930s) ; Christof Dejung
12. Liverpool shipping, gentlemanly capitalism and intra-Asian trade in the twentieth century ; Nicholas J. White and Catherine Evans
13. Pursuit of profit in the shadow of decolonization : Indonesia in the 1950s ; Thomas Lindblad
14. The Chinese and Indian Corporate Economy : A Radical Construction of Law, the State, and Corporations ; Raj Brown

Page créée le jeudi 1er octobre 2015, par Dominique Taurisson-Mouret.

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