

Imagining Slavery : National Representations of the History of Slavery and Abolition (Workshop 8/09/2010 ; contributions <7/05/2010)

Imagining Slavery : National Representations of the History of Slavery and Abolition

Danish National Archives, Copenhagen

8 Septembre 2010

Co-sponsors : the Danish National Archives, Copenhagen ; the Wilberforce Institute for the study of Slavery and Emancipation, University of Hull within EURESCL : Slave trade, slavery, abolitions and their legacies in European histories and identities

This workshop, which forms part of the EURESCL research project (workpackage 1), will provide scholars with opportunity to examine how the history of slavery and abolition has featured in national histories, national memories, and national educational curriculums. The workshop will draw together scholars from different disciplines and geographic specialisations, and the organizers are especially keen to hear from scholars who work within comparative frameworks.

Possible themes include :

- The history and mythology of ‘benign slavery’ in national discourses.
- Anti-slavery, national ‘honour’ and related models of ‘civilization’ and the ‘civilizing mission’.
- Forgetting slavery, remembering abolition.
- Comparative histories of slavery and abolition.
- Museums, monuments and other national representations of slavery and abolition.
- Teaching slavery and abolition in national curriculums.

The conference organisers will provide hotel accommodation and catering for speakers, but participants will be responsible for their own travel.

To propose a 20-minute paper, to be delivered in English, please send a title and proposal (300 words max.) and a one-page CV to Dr Douglas Hamilton d.hamilton chez Cette adresse email est protégée contre les robots des spammeurs, vous devez activer Javascript pour la voir.

Abstracts should be submitted by the 7th of May, 2010. Further inquiries should also be directed to Dr Hamilton.

Scholars who wish to attend, but not to present, should contact Dr Erik Göbel at the Danish National Archives [-eg chez]

Information relevée sur le site de l’EURESCL

Page créée le jeudi 11 mars 2010, par Dominique Taurisson-Mouret.

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